Fill out This Simple 2-Page Form Before June 12...

Posted By: trisno - 08.42


& Comment

And Qualify to Receive a $2,100
'Unclaimed Dividend' from Your Broker
Without Owning a Single Share of Stock

Dear Reader,

If you're like most people, you probably hate to fill out forms. I know I do...

But in this case, I encourage you to think twice.

If you complete and return the 2-page form sampled above, your broker could pay you $2,100 in less than 2 weeks.

What's even more incredible is that soon after you could receive an additional check for about $1,200.

Not bad for a few minutes' work.

The best part is, you don't have to own a single stock, bond, mutual fund, ETF, CD or any other investment to receive this money.

Simply fill out this 2-page form, give your broker two instructions, and the cash is yours – by law.

The questions on the form are standard fare: Name, address, phone number, and a few other basic details. That's it.

Once you complete it, you put yourself on the recipient list to collect regular cash payouts from your broker up to six, eight, or even 12 times in a single year.

It's that easy – and yet most people have no idea this opportunity even exists.

In fact, I only learned about this situation myself during a recent phone call with a California money manager, who ran a full-service brokerage house for 25 years.

Let me explain what he told me... and how to complete this form yourself to receive as much as $2,100 on June 12.

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