Why You'll Never Consider

Posted By: trisno - 09.14


& Comment

There are two primary reasons why 'unclaimed dividends' are better than regular dividends...

» Your payouts are bigger.
» You can receive them more frequently.

Just consider: McDonald's currently pays a 2.5% dividend.

That's not bad, considering the average annual dividend for S&P 500 stocks is 1.9%.

But if you were to buy $10,000 worth of McDonald's stock today, you'd only receive $250 in dividend checks next year.

Meanwhile, you could collect a $2,100 'unclaimed dividend' from your broker in less than two weeks, without buying a single share of McDonald's stock.

And you could continue to receive these payouts every month thereafter, for the rest of your life if you wish.

'Unclaimed Dividends'
Available in 2008:

As I write this letter in the 4th week of May, there are 7 'unclaimed dividends' available for you to collect over the remainder of the year...

June 12
July 10
August 14
September 11


October 9


November 13
December 11

See below for details on the best "unclaimed dividend" to collect right now.

Just consider the schedule of payouts you could have collected in the past four months from Baltimore-based brokerage firm T.Rowe Price:

** January: $1,100 "Unclaimed Dividend"

** February: $1,850 "Unclaimed Dividend"

** March: $800 "Unclaimed Dividend"

** April: $2,050 "Unclaimed Dividend"

That's almost $6,000 in 'unclaimed dividends'.

And you could have received this cash by simply filling out the firm's 2-page form.

Of course, there is an approval process when you sumbit this form and each brokerage firm has its own set of requirements. But I'll explain the details of how this works in just a moment.

The point is, instead of accumulating just a few hundred dollars in regular dividends, you can collect thousands of dollars a year in 'unclaimed dividends'-– without owning a single share in the stock market.

And unlike a regular dividend, you don't have to wait 3 or 4 months for your check. You get paid immediately... within 24 hours.

** Its no wonder Mark L. Larson, author of the bestselling book 'Technical Charting for Profits,' believes collecting 'unclaimed dividends' "has more benefits than ANY other stock market strategy."
** Or why Michael Sincere, author of '101 Investment Lessons from the Wizards of Wall Street,' says collecting 'unclaimed dividends' "almost sounds too good to be true."

Once you see how much money you can make from these payouts, I don't think you'll ever want to get paid a regular dividend again.

So how is this market phenomenon possible... and why haven't you heard of this opportunity before...?

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