More Money... Faster

Posted By: trisno - 09.57


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Quite simply, Jeff has discovered a way to collect a fortune in 'unclaimed dividends' – using a glitch in the options market.

But let me be clear up front: To collect an 'unclaimed dividend,' you DO NOT have to buy any options. This has nothing to do with buying put options or call options... shorting stocks... or day trading.

In short, here's what you do:

You fill out a little-known 2-page form that allows you to collect the money that other people – those who trade options – send to their brokerage firm.

One of the best things about this opportunity is that you can collect these payouts whether the markets go up or down. It sounds a little complicated – and that's another reason why 99% of the investment public has no idea this opportunity even exists.

** But as author Lee Lowell states: Collecting 'unclaimed dividends', "is not a secret, arcane system that only a physics scholar will understand... it is a time-tested, legitimate strategy and is an incredible way to earn passive income... "

I assure you – once you learn the secrets of how this works, nothing could be easier or simpler...

"I had never done this until following Jeff," wrote Ron Campbell in a recent email. "My wife and I have made roughly $22,000 extra income following your advice."
"I'm 68 and retired," says Chuck Crinklaw. "This is my first time doing this... and it's wonderful. I'm earning about $500 to $800 a month."

Jeff's specialty is taking advantage of the options market to produce extra income, fast.

You see, thousands of Americans buy and trade options every single day. And most of these folks pay large sums of cash to their brokerage firm in order to exercise these options.

But the "glitch" Jeff uncovered allows you to keep a small part of that money – as much as $2,100 every 30 days - by simply filling out a 2-page form.

That, in a nutshell, is the secret behind 'unclaimed dividends'.

I know what you're thinking... Why don't brokerage firms keep this money instead of passing it along to you?

In short, unlike the fees associated with trading stocks, brokerage firms are required by the SEC to distribute the money they get from certain options transactions to anyone who fills out their 2-page form.

This mandatory distribution of cash is even embedded in SEC policy under "Regulation SHO" stemming from the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

A letter from an executive
at a major U.S. company:

"No matter whether the stock market is moving up or down, Jeff somehow manages to find a strategy that works. Overall, I could not be happier with his performance."

– Bill Donnelly

For years, only the market's most serious investors were able to tap into this stock market loophole and collect 'unclaimed dividends' on a regular basis.

But as a close associate of Jeff's, I've managed to gather the full details behind 'unclaimed dividends' for an exclusive Stansberry & Associates Research Report.

Why is this so exciting? Well, in years past, to be one of Jeff's brokerage clients... you had to have at least $250,000 in your account... and pay a $5,000 minimum for advice. So we didn't secure Jeff's advice for nothing. In fact, we paid a lot of money for it.

But it was well worth it, because Jeff's full Report – "Collect Regular 'Unclaimed Dividends' from Your Broker" - reveals one of the most valuable investment secrets we've ever uncovered.

It explains every last detail of 'unclaimed dividends'... what they are... when they are issued... and why Jeff believes collecting these payouts "is the absolute best way in which to generate income."

Best of all, we're giving you access to this report, free of charge.

Why are we doing this?

Because when I spoke with Jeff – I learned about something that he hasn't told anyone in years... It's the single biggest reason he made himself and his clients so much money from 1985 through 2005...

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