Gov't-Authorized "A.O.P." Turns Bankrupt Florida Man Into Multi-Millionaire

Posted By: trisno - 12.39


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While most Americans rely on their 401(k) or pension plans to fund
their retirement, some saavy investors are now getting paid
thousands of extra dollars per month from the A.O.P.

Next A.O.P. payout is set for August 14th and could shatter
distribution records, paying out $10,000 - $40,000 per person.

Dear Reader,

Have you ever heard the story of Rick Kaplan?

Let me quickly retell it, because his story could — very
soon — have a direct impact on your personal wealth.

Kaplan was born and raised on the banks of the Mississippi, in a small town called Cape Girardeau, which naturally he left as soon as he could.

Opportunities aren't abundant in small town Missouri.

Rick eventually earned a degree in law, and moved back home to practice in a firm run by native son Rush Limbaugh's family.

In the late 1970s, Rick began investing in real estate,
including apartment buildings, a bar and a motor lodge.
Yet, in 1980, Rick and his first wife Anna filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

According to Fortune, Rick listed "$2.14 million in debts and had roughly $130,000 in assets when he and his wife had only $100 in cash."

But with a daughter to support, Rick had no intention of giving up hope...

What happened next is nothing short of astounding.

Rick stumbled onto a little known income play, which we call the "A.O.P." It is US government-authorized, and at the heart of Rick's great fortune today.

He has since moved to Houston and is now the city's third
wealthiest resident.

Was this stunning reversal thanks entirely to the A.O.P.?

No, of course not.

But this moneymaking technique was the initial catalyst and Rick still uses it today.

You can do the same, which is why I've written this letter to you.

I'd like to show you how to take advantage of the A.O.P.,
starting with a stake as small as $100. Of course, you can invest as much as you'd like. Unlike government programs, there's no cap to how much you can invest and collect in return.

For more than 27 years, the A.O.P. has been mailing quarterly checks to thousands of Americans... every single quarter —through 2 recessions and 3 wars — without skipping a beat.

By now, you may be wondering...

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