Why Haven't You Heard of the A.O.P. Plan Before?

Posted By: trisno - 12.47


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That's a question the mainstream financial community has only recently started to ask:
David Fleischer of Goldman Sachs writes: "It has astounded me how for the past decade investors have missed or ignored [this situation]."
The Wall Street Journal states that investors who put their money into this income opportunity have been "earning returns so high that they look too good to be true."
And MSN Money says that if you've never heard of this investment strategy, "join the club... this little cash cow that could, gets lost in the shuffle."

Perhaps the reason is this:

The only retirement plans and programs that seem to get any press these days are the ones that aren't working, like Social Security, corporate pensions, and Medicare.

But keep in mind; the A.O.P. is NOT a government program or a corporate entity.

Rather, it is a collection of vital U.S. businesses, which, thanks to Sections 851-855 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code pay their shareholders about 10-times more than ordinary businesses. In essence, they are gov't authorized income plays.

For the past several months, I've been researching and analyzing the A.O.P. from every angle so that I can show readers of my investment newsletter how to best profit from this situation.


Because with so much uncertainty in the market these days, I know many of my readers are looking for a reliable way to make extraordinary income over the next few years.

I'm writing today to show you how to take advantage of this unique income opportunity — even if you already collect Medicare and Social Security.

I believe the A.O.P. has the potential to provide you with a steady flow of income for the rest of your life if you wish.

You can take part in this opportunity right now — in less than 5 minutes time — and find out how to receive what could be the A.O.P.'s biggest payout in 27 years.

How does the A.O.P. manage to keep increasing its payouts? Where does it get its funding?

That's what I'm going to explain here in this letter.

But first, let me show you how this income opportunity got started, so you can see how it works for yourself.

Then, you'll have to decide if A.O.P. is the "salvation for American retirees," as some experts have stated...

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